What’s In Rob’s Own Home?
Here’s WHY HE hasn’t used oil or gas in over seven years …
“I get asked this question a lot — what HVAC system do I use in my own home?
I installed air source heat pumps (ASHPs) in our 1870s farmhouse and haven’t burned gas or oil for heat in seven years. The new generation of air source heat pumps are capable of producing sufficient heat down to -20 degree outdoor temperature. ASHPs run purely on electricity, as opposed to relying on a traditional furnace fueled by oil or natural gas. Our monthly electric bill for our 1,600 square feet home typically ranges from $150 to $200. Not having to burn fuel for heat means less cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and no carbon monoxide risk.
The system works for both heating and cooling my home. And it works on the principle of moving/transferring heat in the air. Essentially, the ASHP system extracts heat from the outside air to warm your home during winter (which is entirely possible since there is always some heat in the air, so long as temperatures are above absolute zero). Conversely, it removes heat from your indoor air during the warmer seasons.
ASHP Installation is typically affordable and the unit size is about the same size of an air-conditioning unit (which is great for the aesthetics!). Certainly, there are alternatives to ASHP systems (much depends on your specific goals and needs). But I’ve seen heat pumps continue to get even more efficient, and the units available these days work well even when outside temperatures dip below 30 degrees. Just ask my dogs who love their warm and cozy corners!”
— Rob